Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am a person who designs my own shoes and I don't buy private label designs and claim as my own.
That said, I have started to source for low heeled shoes and some designs that I don't normally do or is great at doing. (Or some styles that my factory thinks it's not worth their time to do). But it's not labeled as GlamRockChic. It's Glammies as I would like to leave GlamRockChic for purely my own original designs.

Glammies will be my new label for sourced designs. Or call it diffussion line if u want. If it picks up, I will source for more. If it doesn't then, scrap it. I recognize that my factory is moving at such a snail pace that it is embarrassing, always leaving my customers waiting, so I have decided to source while we wait for my designs under GlamRockChic to be produced.
Glammies' icon is represented by a cat named Poppy. He was my lovely brown mainecoon mixed persian with an interesting buck tooth who sadly passed away this year. My husband drew this for fun and I thought it was such a great drawing. Yes, he can sure draw fun stuff, but not shoes (darn).

Poppy was diagnosed with renal problems. His two kidneys were filled with so many stones that the vets predicted he would only live 1-2 months after being diagnosed. When I saw the scan of his kidneys, i was shocked that Poppy was still alive and energetic. Because it looked at though 90% of his kidneys were filled with stones.

I always believed what kept Poppy alive for 1 more year after that was his determination to stay alive. Poppy had always been such a strong willed cat. He would not do anything he doesn't want to, he would not let you hold him if he doesn't want to, he would scold the vet, no means NO. And NO to going off to kitty heaven too soon as well. He was only 5 years old. And I needed him because my first cat had passed on suddenly last year and he knew he had to be there for me in my state of sadness.

Finally the time came and he fought it for a while but eventually he went.
Such a small cat but a big determined heart.
I use this caricature of Poppy as an honour to a great furry friend and to remind me to be determined, strong willed and have a big, honest heart in anything I do. It also represents the many strong, determined but kind women out there who I imagined would be wearing Glammies.

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